
Retaining Your Driving Privileges Following DWI Charges

Cars are a way of life in East Texas. You have to be able to drive to get anywhere or do anything. If you lose your driving privileges, you risk losing your job. You also need to help your family get to where they need to go and take care of them. You cannot afford to have your license suspended. Talk to an experienced lawyer about obtaining an occupational license.

Ryan R. Hill, and his team have been helping people deal with the consequences of DWI arrests and convictions for more than 25 years. We will attend your administrative license revocation (ALR) hearing and, if the need arises, help you get an occupational or restricted license so you can continue to drive. You need to be able to continue to function normally, even with the cloud of a DWI conviction hanging over your head. We will do everything in our power to make that happen.

What Can I Do While Driving On An Occupational License?

An occupational license allows you to drive:

  • To and from work
  • To and from school or school-related activities
  • To perform essential household duties
  • At restricted times of the day and night

You cannot get an occupational license to drive a commercial vehicle.

Find out all of your options by coming to our office to discuss in depth your situation.

How Do I Apply?

You will need to apply in the county where your DWI charges are filed or the county you reside in. If you are eligible, you will be given a court order. This is not your occupational license. You will be able to use the order as a license while your occupational license is being processed by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

You will need to present the following to DPS:

  • The court order
  • An SR-22 certificate, which your insurance agent can help you obtain
  • Payment for your occupational license fee
  • Payment for a reinstatement fee

We will guide you, step by step through this entire process so you have everything submitted at the appropriate time. We want you to continue to have driving privileges while we handle your criminal case. Our firm has a record of success in helping individuals keep their driving privileges intact.

We Can Help You Get Over This Hurdle So You Can Go About Your Daily Life

Call our Longview office at 903-371-0095, or send us an email to schedule your free initial consultation. Damos la bienvenida a clientes que hablan Español.