Drug Possession

Is the ‘war on drugs’ racist?

The "Drug War" in America has been raging on for decades, and people keep going to jail on possession charges -- despite every indication that jailing people for crimes of addiction is pointless. Even worse, it is increasingly apparent that drug laws are applied...

Avoid holiday problems with medical marijuana

The holidays are here, and that means millions of Americans will be traveling away from their homes in order to visit friends and relatives for a time. Unfortunately, the current mashup of laws in the United States regarding marijuana use may cause some confusion for...

Know how to assert your rights during a traffic stop

A lot of times, a police investigation starts with nothing more than a simple traffic stop and a few innocent-sounding questions. The next thing a suspect knows, he or she is being hauled away on charges of drug possession or something worse after the officer finds a...

Incarceration levels high in Texas

One of the top fears many individuals have when accused of criminal offenses here in Texas is fear of facing imprisonment. This is understandable, given the impacts a jail or prison sentence can have on a person’s life and how common of a penalty incarceration...