Drug Possession

Experts once claimed opioids were not addictive 

Opioids are prescription painkillers, and they’re highly addictive. Those who become addicted often have very little control over their actions, such as using the medications even though they know that the manner of use is illegal. They may also gravitate toward other...

A brief look at the Texas right to expunction law

Did you know that you will have black marks on your record if arrested but never convicted on drug possession charges? In truth, any law enforcement entanglements from your past will likely show up as a part of your criminal history. As you might expect, this can...

Can social media affect your drug case?

If you have been arrested and accused of possessing an illegal drug, it is important that you don’t do anything that could negatively impact your case. From the start, your goal should be to protect yourself and defend your best interests. That means that you should...

How does drug court affect drug charges?

In Texas, drug charges can carry significant weight. If you face drug charges but want an opportunity to better yourself, rather than face incarceration, there are options for you in the form of drug court. The Center for American Progress cites that every 25 seconds...

What is drug paraphernalia?

Drug paraphernalia does not necessarily mean items created to accompany drug use. The Texas Controlled Substances Act says that the key to whether something is drug paraphernalia is determining if someone has used or intends to use the item in question in some way...

Don’t let an illegal search ruin your future

Drug charges can have very serious implications for your life, especially if they result in conviction. While your reputation may take a hit and your criminal record might make it hard to secure employment and housing, a conviction for a drug offense can also strip...