Americans are suffering. The rates of death due to drug addiction, alcoholism and suicide hit record highs in 2017 -- averaging 72.4 fatalities for every 100,000 people throughout the nation. This alarming news comes out of a report titled "Pain In The Nation," which...
Why do people keep choosing to drive after drinking?
There's no doubt about it: Drinking and driving is a terrible idea. Despite all of the ad campaigns, public service announcements, roadside checkpoints and the stiff penalties for driving while intoxicated (DWI), people still make the same mistakes they've made for...
Can autopilot absolve you from a drunk driving charge?
Modern technology can do a lot of things -- but it can't help you avoid a drunk driving charge. A driver out in California apparently tried to claim absolution from a charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI) because he was letting his Tesla operate on autopilot....
Think twice before you ship drugs through the mail these days
Are you thinking of shipping drugs through the mail? Think again. Maybe you were thinking about asking a cousin in Colorado to send you some marijuana edibles for your birthday. Or maybe you're brave enough to risk the "Dark Web" and have something a little stronger...
The difference between drug possession and trafficking
What's the difference, exactly between a drug user, a small-time dealer and a drug "trafficker?" How do police know when to charge someone with trafficking instead of possession? What's the difference for the defendant? Frankly, it often comes down to the...
How can social media impact a DWI or drug case against you?
Many people have far too narrow of a perspective when it comes to the impact of social media on criminal charges. People may think of crimes that happened on social media, such as cyberbullying or stalking. However, the crime does not have to be digital in nature for...
Is the ‘war on drugs’ racist?
The "Drug War" in America has been raging on for decades, and people keep going to jail on possession charges -- despite every indication that jailing people for crimes of addiction is pointless. Even worse, it is increasingly apparent that drug laws are applied...
Gas Pipe owners acquitted, government wants their property anyhow
The Gas Pipe defendants, a father-daughter duo of shopkeepers who were accused of trafficking synthetic cannabis products (also known as "spice") were recently acquitted in a court of law. We've followed their story in our blog before. Now, in a new chapter, the...
What crimes are committed through social media?
Many of us post intimate details about ourselves and our lives on social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. These details, however, could be a problem if we are accused of a crime -- particularly if they are publicly available for anyone to see....
How does Texas treat marijuana edible possession cases?
The use of marijuana in many forms -- both medicinally and recreationally -- has gained favor throughout the United States. However, its use is still very limited in Texas. That's bad news if you happen to be heading home from a recent trip to Colorado (where you can...