If you have recently been accused of a DWI in Texas, it is important to understand how you can properly manage the situation. The actions that you take in the days after you were pulled over are vital if you want to avoid being charged. The use of social media is...
Don’t accept a false-positive result from a Breathalyzer test
You're absolutely sure you weren't driving while impaired. Maybe you had a single glass of wine with dinner several hours ago or maybe you didn't have anything to drink, but you never would have gotten behind the wheel while intoxicated. Yet, a simple traffic stop...
Clues that help police spot drunk drivers
What makes a police officer suspect that they've spotted someone who is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol? With all the cars they see on the road, what signals does an impaired driver give off? Well, here are a few signs that will definitely give you...
New protocols for drug cases announced in Travis County
There are very few people who believe that prosecuting addicts for possessing small amounts of drugs and handing them hefty prison sentences is doing anything to change the national drug problem. Now, at least one Texas district attorney is taking measures to re-write...
Are Latinos unfairly stereotyped as drug traffickers?
Could the entertainment industry be causing Latinos to be unfairly stereotyped as drug traffickers? The idea of the Latino drug trafficker is so firmly embedded in American mindsets that the aggressive drug dealer and evil South American cartel are considered two of...
Women and the drug trade
You can thank the "War on Drugs" and the drug trade in general for the fact that prisons worldwide are starting to overflow with women inmates. According to studies, the female population of prisoners in the United States increased 757 percent between 1977 and 2004 --...
3 ways you can avoid a DWI
Nothing ruins a night out in Longview quite like seeing red and blue lights in the rearview mirror. If you were under the influence of alcohol at the time of a traffic stop, you could be facing a charge for driving while intoxicated (DWI). Like in most other places, a...
China to assist on halting drug pipeline to the U.S.
Fentanyl is a major problem in the United States. Currently, the synthetic opioid, which is much stronger than morphine, is being added to heroin and other drugs to increase their "kick." Unfortunately, it's also killing addicts because it's hard to guess when you're...
Volvo’s new cars aim to eliminate drunk or distracted drivers
Are you ready for a nanny cam in your car? Volvo thinks that may be the best solution to the plague of drunk or distracted drivers that's hitting the nation -- and the company may have a point. Combined with a camera, Volvo is adding other features to its cars that...
It is possible to challenge your Breathalyzer results
If you recently failed a Breathalyzer test and now face drunk driving charges, you might feel as though you don't have any options for defending yourself. This feeling is understandable, but you may have more opportunities to challenge the results than you expect....