What Should You Do Immediately After Being Charged With a Crime in Texas?

by | Jan 1, 2025 | Firm News

An arrest and a criminal charge can easily throw a person into a state of panic, and the future can become uncertain and full of dread. Ryan R. Hill, Attorney at Law in Longview, TX, has over 25 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney in East Texas and knows exactly what you should do right after an arrest to give yourself the best chance of a positive outcome.

What Should You Do Immediately After Being Charged With a Crime in Texas?

The overarching goals to keep in mind in the immediate aftermath of being arrested and charged with a crime are to stay calm and take things one step at a time. Law enforcement and prosecutors can use natural emotional reactions, such as anger or panic, to get you to act or speak impulsively. That’s why it’s important to keep a cool head.

Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives you the right to remain silent. Other than providing basic identifying information such as your name and address, you do not have to say anything to law enforcement officers, prosecutors, or anyone else.

Sometimes, the people interviewing you will try to bait you into talking by getting facts about your case wrong so that you will jump in and correct them. Don’t forget that anything you can say after you have been arrested can be used as evidence against you in court, so keep a handle on yourself and keep quiet until your lawyer can give you advice and enforce your legal rights.

Request Legal Representation

After being charged, you should request legal representation immediately. In Texas, you are entitled to an attorney, whether privately hired or appointed by the court. Once you have asked for to speak to a lawyer, police should stop trying to talk to you, as anything you say after invoking your right to counsel should be inadmissible in court.

Do not listen to any suggestions that insisting on speaking to a lawyer makes you look guilty or that there is a limited-time deal available if you’ll just waive your right to counsel. Insisting on your rights as a citizen does not make you look guilty.

Consult an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in East Texas

A skilled lawyer will ensure that you are treated fairly. They will protect you from accidentally incriminating yourself during interviews, present evidence casting doubt on the evidence against you, and defend you if your case goes to court.

You can’t do much to improve things immediately after being charged with a crime, but you can ensure they don’t worsen. When you stay quiet and invoke your right to counsel, you do not provide the prosecution with any evidence to use against you. To consult with a lawyer committed to defending your rights, whatever the circumstances, get in touch with Ryan R. Hill, Attorney at Law in Longview, TX, today.