Month: January 2020

Police rescue driver from flaming car and issue DWI citation

Drivers who may be intoxicated do not usually appreciate the presence of police. In a variation on this theme, a driver who was allegedly intoxicated may owe her life to the proximity of College Station police at the moment when she lost control of her car. According...

The process of challenging a breathalyzer test

Breathalyzer tests may serve as the primary evidence of a DWI charge which is why it is important for accused individuals to know they can be challenged. Challenging a breathalyzer test may be an important part of a criminal defense strategy aimed at DWI charges an...

Does Texas law require you to submit to a blood test for DWI?

Whether they work at one of Texas’s many oil fields, in the ranching industry or in the construction industry, it is undeniable that people in Longview have a strong work ethic. Their jobs are a source of pride, identity and of course, income. So, anything that might...