Month: November 2018

What’s an implied consent law?

Imagine you're driving home from work one afternoon and you're completely sober. Nevertheless, an officer asks you to take a Breathalyzer test. What will happen if you refuse? Due to "implied consent" laws, your refusal to submit to a Breathalyzer test will result in...

Avoid holiday problems with medical marijuana

The holidays are here, and that means millions of Americans will be traveling away from their homes in order to visit friends and relatives for a time. Unfortunately, the current mashup of laws in the United States regarding marijuana use may cause some confusion for...

Expunction of drunk driving charges in Texas

An arrest and a conviction aren't the same things -- but when an arrest for drunk driving or any other criminal charge shows up on your background check, it can certainly feel the same. Having an arrest anywhere on your record can cause you countless problems with...