Many times, a Longview, Texas, resident facing drug possession charges may be more than willing to admit that they made a mistake. However, what they hope for in their criminal case is an opportunity to prove that they have the ability to do what it takes to overcome their drug addiction and get the help they need to do better.
One option for these sorts of people is a Texas drug court. These types of courts focus on frequently monitoring a defendant by requiring him both to meet with probation officers often and also to appear in court on a regular basis, thereby creating a sense of accountability. Defendants are also frequently required to submit to drug testing and have to complete an intensive treatment program.
A person’s time in the drug court program will typically last a year up to 18 months. If a person at any point does not meet her responsibilities, she can be quickly punished with jail time or other penalties. On the other hand, a successful completion of a drug court could mean resolving a criminal case with a very light sentence or, in some cases, getting charges dropped altogether.
While not everyone is eligible for drug court, it is important for Longview residents to realize that drug court may be an option for them. In order to determine if it is the right option, a Longview resident facing a drug-related charge may wish to speak with a local criminal defense attorney. If there may be some question as to whether a person is eligible for drug court, an attorney may also be able to make an argument for using the drug court in the defendant’s case.