Does your job make you drink?

by | Sep 21, 2022 | DWI

People drink alcohol for all sorts of different reasons, including the stress that they may face at work. Those who drink consistently have higher odds of facing DWI charges. This is true even for those who never intend to drink and drive. Simply using alcohol at a higher rate increases the odds of accidentally getting behind the wheel while you are impaired.

For this reason, it’s interesting to see if there is a link between various professions and the amount of alcohol consumption by individuals working in those professions. This could suggest that a person’s job influences them to drink more heavily than if they had a different occupation. That, in turn, could mean that individuals in these occupations are more likely to face DWI charges. Let’s look at a few examples below.

Physical labor

Those who work in heavily physical jobs tend to drink slightly more often. For instance, high rates of alcohol use have been recorded among those who work in the mining industry and the construction industry.

High-stress jobs

High-stress jobs, like working as a nurse or another type of healthcare professional, can also lead to increased levels of alcohol consumption. It’s even been found that 15% of surgeons struggle with alcohol dependence or abuse, despite needing to be in perfect cognitive shape to do their job correctly.

The entertainment industry

It’s also no secret that those working in entertainment are going to be around alcohol more often. These individuals could include sports stars and athletes, singers, artists, musicians and actors or actresses. There is also a slightly higher level of drinking simply among those who work in hospitality and food services, which are often linked to entertainment events.

What are your options?

If you do find yourself facing charges for driving under the influence, it can have a major impact on both your life and your career. You could lose your license, which may make it impossible to work, along with the fines and fees you’ll need to pay. To work toward the best possible outcome, you need to know about all of your legal defense options.