Can social media affect your drug case?

by | Jan 22, 2021 | Drug Possession

If you have been arrested and accused of possessing an illegal drug, it is important that you don’t do anything that could negatively impact your case. From the start, your goal should be to protect yourself and defend your best interests.

That means that you should not speak to the authorities without your attorney present. It also means that you shouldn’t talk to others about your case, even if you think it’s safe to do so.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is going onto social media to talk about their case. Even if they have their own social media accounts locked down, screenshots could be shared. There may be methods of seeing what the individual is writing, even if it is only being shown to friends. For example, some friends of friends may have access to content shared on your page on Facebook, and screenshots can still be taken on Snapchat. Talented hackers and digital forensic specialists may also be able to gain access to content you thought was long gone.

If you have been arrested, don’t post on social media

If you’ve been arrested, make sure you don’t post on social media at all. In fact, the best thing to do would be to completely disable or delete those social media accounts until your case is over. Why? If you post a picture of yourself smoking a joint, have references to drug use or even discuss your case in a way that suggests that you’re guilty of what you’re accused of, then someone could end up finding that information.

You never know what other people who are interacting with your posts may say or do, either. You also don’t necessarily know who you’re adding as a new friend or who has become your follower. You may be surprised to find out that someone from the prosecution was able to see your content and now has a better case because of it.

Anything that you post has the potential to go public, so it’s just better to post nothing at all. If you have questions about using social media during your case, your attorney can give you more information.